Columbia University Physics Lecture Demonstrations

Fluid Mechanics
Oscillation and Waves
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics

1D60.3 Water-Jet Parabola

[Setup Time: 5 Min.] [Current Condition: Good]


A stream of water is shot beneath an inclined rod and seen to drop away from it parabolically, just touching equally spaced pointers of length 1, 4, 9, and 16 hanging from the rod. When the inclination of the rod is changed, the displacement of the water stream beneath it remains the same.

Setup Instructions

1. The water jet apparatus can be set at the end of the bench, extending over the water basin in the bench, and the trough can go on the other side of the basin so it drains into it.

2. When connecting the hose, it's best to turn the water on and off with the faucet, not the knob on the hose. Otherwise, the pressure can get so great in the hose just behind the knob that the tubing burst – this has happened! Note that the hose connector may drop out from the faucet- you can either hold it up by hand while turning it on, or anchor it in place with some wire.

Parts List

Water Jet Apparatus in K. Oversized, 2B

Gutter in K. Oversized, 2B

Relevant Simulation

HTML5 Projectile motion page(Initial velocity and angle are adjustable. Press “reset” to change parameters)
Projectile Motion

Other Information

PIRA site
U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations Page
U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations Video available from above link

Real-Life Examples

Physics Of Volleyball – Optimizing The Serve
Projectile motion in real-life situation: Kinematics of basketball shooting

More Advanced Reading

Projectile motion on earth is technically elliptical in nature, not parabolic